e3 Leadership Group

Our mission is to build healthy indigenous leaders, which results in disciples making disciples and church plants, to reach the neglected people groups in Asia.

Asia Cross-Cultural Projects

e3lg promotes, leads, and coordinates cross-cultural missions both within the United States and internationally as “Short-Term Missions” (STM).


Activities Typically Include:

  • Teaching English as a second language,
  • Gospel camps,
  • Cross-cultural exchange programs,
  • Creative missions.

Join Us and Travel with Purpose:
Gospel  Adventures  to  Nepal  &  Cambodia


Fall 2024 – October 30 to November 12

Spring 2025 – March TBA

Why Nepal?

“We’re a group of Nepalese and internationals who love adventure and the people of Nepal – especially the people. We think everyone should experience the beauty of this nation and help the people while they are here. Through responsible travel, we believe community partnerships result in a better life for everyone. We want to leave Nepal better than we arrived. We think you do too.” – FIVE 14 Nepal

“The land-locked nation of Nepal between China and India was, until 2006, the world’s only officially Hindu nation, with 86 percent of the population being Hindu and only 0.6 percent Christian. Today, Christians make up 2.8 percent of the population while Hindus account for 75 percent.” — Joshua Project

“Famous for its high peaks and wind-whipped prayer flags, Hindu-majority Nepal used to be a nation un-reached by Christianity. Now the country has one of the fastest-growing Christian populations in the world.” — World Christian Database

What Will We Do?

We will continue to partner with GC Ministries, Grace Church (a Nepali church) and Run Global (Mike Keator’s) ministry, and FIVE14, a Nepali organization that works to overcome exploitation.  We will have work projects, sports & games, Discovery Bible Studies, host seminars on various areas of expertise from members of the team, conduct eyeglass clinics, and trek to Nepali villages. 

You ALSO can join our teams through prayer support. If you would like to be a prayer supporter for the team, please let me know and I will send you prayer guidance.

Contact me:  doug@e3leadershipgroup.net


Who Should Join? 

Are you fit to travel?
Do you want your faith to grow?
Do you like adventure?
Do want to help reach the un-reached people groups with the Gospel?

What Will It Cost?

From $3200 to $3500, depending on the number of team members.


For more information contact Doug directly for the Nepal Zoom meeting ID and Passcode:

Contact Doug directly – doug@e3leadershipgroup.net


Next Steps …

Pay the $100 Application fee,

Get your reference letters rounded up.

SUBMIT your application RIGHT AWAY …


Winter 2025 – Dec 31 to Jan 15, 2025

  1. Asia Project (GCAN 2024/2025)
    A special opportunity in 2024/2025


  1. Reaching the world with the gospel is at the very core of Great Commission Asia Network (GCAN, which was formalized in 2022). GCAN leaders have engaged in cross-cultural missions and international church plants since 1986: Hong Kong and Singapore, Philippines, Cambodia and beyond, because they have a significant presence in US university campuses, and are in a strategic position to make disciples of all nations both in the US and abroad.
  2. In order for GCAN to participate in reaching Asia under-reached Countries with the gospel of Jesus Christ, GCAN will partner with churches in Asia and the US to:
    1. conduct Short Term Mission (STM)
    2. facilitate/encourage fixed term missions leading to
    3. Long Term Missionaries placements.
  3. A window of opportunity is presented to us in Cambodia recently from four years of missionary effort initiated from the Philippines. Although our dear missionary Francis pasted away, but his work continued to bear fruit. Three young missionaries were sent to Cambodia in 2023 and it is GCAN’s desire to support and strengthen their work and to develop new works.
  4. It is our desire to conduct missions work in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Cambodia and other Asia countries in the days to come.


How You Can Make A Difference


Asian countries are looking for people to teach them English (especially native speakers) and they are open to study the Bible in English and learn about the western couture. We are taking the opportunities to conduct English Gospel camps and you can take part in it.


Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. (Cor 15:58)


Would you consider participating in a summer mission trip in 2024?



  1. Make disciples as we are mandated to take part in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
  2. Build partnership with host churches, conduct cross-cultural mission together, leading to the possible formation of new church plants.
  3. Grow in relationship with the Lord as each one takes steps of faith in mission, thereby, becoming a more equipped disciple of Christ to minister to people both locally and globally.
  4. Develop leadership qualities in the context of community by laboring together in Asia.
  5. Explore creative mission approaches to make disciples in “creative access countries” or “under-reached countries”.

Cambodia Winter 2024 Cross-cultural Camp
December 31, 2024 to January 15, 2025


Cost $2900 per person (plus cost of passport if needed; final cost is subject to airfare):

$500 total due by Sept 15, 2024
$2000 total due by Oct 20, 2024
$2600 total due by Nov 17, 2024

$100 Application fee due at registration (non refundable but applicable to deposit).


More Information – contact Ching Yu Wang at 816-308-9988 or chingyu@e3lg.org


Training Dates:
Sept 15th, Sunday – Orientation meeting at 8 pm (US Mountain time) via Zoom; info and private link will be forthcoming.


Please register by clicking the button below:

Previous Short-Term Missions by e3lg …

Gospel camps, discipleship camps, campus outreach.

Partner with Asian churches for missions in East Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and 13 other cities.

Teams went in May and late June to help with T4T outreach, group launching, and encouragement.

Seven days guided around Taipei by non-Christian college students seeking to learn about our culture and beliefs. Relational evangelism and T4T.

Alpha team focused on a children’s home after a 1-day hike into the mountains. Team Omega hiked into the mountains for 6 days to meet and mingle with villagers.


e3 is a US-based resource ministry to like-minded ministries and churches seeking to influence Asia for Christ.
Copyright © e3 Leadership Group